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Our company has a patented product into use in Chongqing

  December 21, 2015, our newly developed patented product (patent number: ZL2015204085282) & mdash; & mdash; main roads and secondary roads without lights Intersection vehicle warning system installed in Chongqing, the end of the commissioning and put into normal use. The advent of the product to make up for the gaps in the suburban level-crossing vehicle warning system, greatly improving the safety factor of the road traffic junction, get recognition and praise of the Traffic Police Department.
  The product is monitored by the main road warning devices on the formation of the level-crossing the main road with vehicle monitoring and alert, through the Deputy Communication and trunk roads warning linkage monitoring warning devices, traffic state level-crossings for effective monitoring and warning instant alert information to enhance the traveling vehicle drivers and pedestrians alertness, thereby avoiding unnecessary visual fatigue caused by traffic accidents.